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Catholic elementary education at Saint Paschal Baylon School (SPBS) is a collaborative effort among school, home, and church. SPBS believes that parent involvement within all aspects of our school community is extremely important and necessary, in order to provide support and help maintain our strong sense community spirit at SPBS. In addition, witnessing school parents model the principles of Stewardship, i.e. giving of time, talent and treasure, helps in the formation of these values in our students both now and later. Therefore, all families in our school are expected to support the school with their "time, talent, and treasure" and are automatically members of the SPBS Parent/Teacher Orgaization (PTO).
The PTO is designed as a volunteer parent support system for SPBS. Its primary purposes are to provide financial assistance to the school through fundraising, and to promote continued volunteer parental involvement within the school community and Saint Paschal Baylon parish.
The PTO Board provides parent education workshops throughout the school year; supports the annual Fall Fest; works closely with the principal to coordinate activities throughout the year for our school families; provides hospitality for school in-service days and events; and participates in organizing annual school fundraisers. The PTO Board consists of six elected members, who are current SPBS parents. The Board meets monthly throughout the school year together with the pastor, principal and faculty representative.